Sunday, May 6, 2012

Climbing up the sinusoid.

Up and down, up and down, and so on. Life seems to be going this way all the time ... exactly as one of my older songs, "Living in the rain", says. I always imagine a sinusoid and then I try to place myself somewhere on its line. 

Last autumn I left my country for Belgium, hoping to bring some new energy, inspiration and maybe even a bit of happiness to my life. I was undeceived. Even though I had some great moments and met some very nice people there it was not what I was really looking for. I felt like surviving ... not really living. Then, one night, I had a really vivid dream that was trying to tell me to pack all my stuff and go somewhere else once again. After a few days of pondering I decided to obey the dream. 

I found myself back on my native soil. For the first time in Prague. And then everything gained in speed. New flat, new job, new life. And here I am, slowly climbing up the virtual line ... and hopefully it will stay like that for a while.

First month in Prague was full of drinking, getting to know this place, meeting both old and new friends. It was a busy month. Now when everything is slowly settling down I have time to work on music again ... and I'm making some progress here. These days there is quite a lot going on in my head as regards music.

First, I have picked 8 songs (out of cca 12-13) to be recorded for the new album. 6 out of 8 songs already have their drum parts +/- done. Soon I will start with guitars, vocals, etc. Then it'll be time for post-production which is always the most difficult part - putting all the additional sounds and instruments together + polishing final sound. Good news Mic has offered me his help ... so although the upcoming record will rather be a solo album there should hopefully be some people involved.

Second, after I finish the upcoming record I'd like to continue in recording single songs, mostly piano based. Initially I wanted to use these songs for the album but in the end I decided not to do it as they have different feeling/atmosphere/mood/call it what you want. But here I'm talking about quite a distant future.

Third, I would also like to start playing live again. I miss it a lot. But forming a new band seems to be a very painful and slow process. 

So you can see I have many plans. There is a lot to work on. But the most important thing is I'm living again ... not only surviving.



Sunday, April 1, 2012

Deexs feat. Michael Stipe (R.E.M.)

After its last year's release the song "Evening" has got some recognition and thus I was approached by R.E.M.'s lead singer Michael Stipe who offered me a little cooperation. Check out our facebook profile to listen to a demo version of the original Deexs song with Michael's vocals. More hot news to follow shortly!

Friday, January 27, 2012

One small step for a man ...

The first step is always the hardest one. Yesterday I took my guitar, turned all my musical software and devices on, and finally started working on the new material. First fragments have been sketched. Even though most of the new songs are based on acoustic guitar I feel like experimenting with electronic elements, bringing Deexs closer to deeper and darker waters. No, it doesn't have to be necessarily as depressive as the last record. My idea deals more with exploring the outer world, the unknown, as well as inner sides of the human soul. Does it sound too sublime? I think lately I have been watching too many BBC documentaries about our place in space and the limits of human beings. That's why. 

Anyway, I don't expect it to be a short process. My plan is to finish everything by the end of this year but as I know myself, and I don't want to put myself under any pressure, it can easily be even in 2013. Does it really matter? No. I'm doing it all just for fun. Somebody practices yoga, somebody smokes weed, I make music. It helps me to clear my mind and get through all sorts of harsh times.

Expect some new updates on the recording (hopefully) soon.
In the meantime watch some of Hayao Miyazaki's movies. The guy is an accomplished artist ... and so is his composer, Joe Hisaishi.
