::: Recording diary - entry #2 :::
Another month is gone. November was quite a fruitful one. 5 songs more or less done. The songs with "heavy" production are in the final stage of post-production. Now I am going to focus on more intimate guitar and ukulele tunes. I am quite curious how it all will fit together. On one hand the album will contain production-rich tracks with lots of instruments, on the other hand I am about to record some simple melancholic ballads with a minimum of extra sounds and instruments. I'm a bit afraid the new album could eventually be quite schizophrenic. All I know is that I've had enough of the complexity. Doing everything on your own takes a lot of time and effort ... and the results are never warranted. I have a feeling I've done what I could. I certainly don't want to repeat myself musically. I'm excited to move on to the intimate part of the album. February/March 2014 now looks as a reasonable date for recording closure. At the beginning of the next year I'd like to take a few days off to polish everything.
In addition to the recording I also managed one small acoustic performance in November. After nearly 4 years I appeared on stage again. It was also the first time my new songs were introduced to a handful of present people. It was rather kind of a public rehearsal. I would like to schedule some more live gigs, starting probably by the upcoming spring.
Last but not least in the past weeks I managed to collect a few of my friends and together we tried to take some new promo pictures and maybe even some video. It should appear as time goes on on my web profiles (especially FB). A little preview already today (see the photo - taken by Hanz Blok).