Friday, August 5, 2011

Hast du deine Lederhosen voll mit Sauerkraut?

Ok, it’s time to come up with some update on what’s happening in Deexs. 

At the end of June me and my brother took a trip to a village neighbouring Baden Baden (Germany). My brother was shooting a new promotional video there. I assisted him. After returning home I was entrusted with composing music for the video. These days we are working on final adjustments.

Coming weeks will determine everything. The future of Deexs will probably depend on where I am going to end up this fall and what I am going to do … and, of course, whether we (the band) are going to come to joint notions of what the Deexs‘ future should be like.

Recently I have dusted my instruments and obtained some new music software. The whole process of composing music for my brother’s video has been a brand new experience for me. I learnt some new tricks and I hope to use them on my new songs. I feel I have energy and determination to carry on with the „studio work“. I have accumulated a lot of new material in my drawers and I have a pretty clear idea of how it should sound. Now I just need to make it happen. Music is the only thing that has never let me down … and I have been missing it out for last two years. It’s time to do something about it.

Soon I will provide you with a little preview of my „mini-soundtrack“ I am just getting through for my brother.
Till then … cheers.


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